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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

GRAS Notices

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GRN No. 1170

Resistant dextrin from tapioca in powder or syrup form

Intended Use: Intended for use as a source of dietary fiber, bulking agent, humectant, texturizer, and formulation aid at maximum use levels ranging from 1.2 to 15 g (on a dry basis) per serving in baked goods; non-alcoholic beverages; cereals; granola and nutrition bars; condiments and dressings; confections; dairy, non-beverages; dry beverage powders; frozen desserts; gravies and sauces; meal replacements; pasta and grain products; prepared meals and soups; processed fruits; shelf-stable desserts; snacks and crackers; coffee creamers; and plant-based protein products.
Basis: Scientific procedures
Notifier: Icon Foods, Inc.
Notifier Address: 19250 NE Portal Way
Portland, OR 97230
FDA's Letter: Pending